As Classrooms for Africa representatives we traveled to Uganda in March 2015 to see first-hand some of the many projects we are involved in. We visited more than 26 schools, meeting school administrators, board members, teachers, parents and hundreds of students. We covered over 3000 km in just over two weeks! We were struck once again by the overwhelming need that still exists for safe and suitable permanent classrooms. We were greatly inspired by what so many dedicated local parents, school administrators and communities are doing to address these needs with their limited resources and challenged to do what we can to help. It was rewarding and encouraging to see what has been accomplished by the more than 20 schools in Uganda which have received grants from Classrooms for Africa over the past 7 years. The school communities have shown amazing initiative and creativity and made effective use of the funds, stretching the dollars received to their maximum. It was rewarding to hear of the progress made in learning that has resulted from improved facilities and the teacher training provided. The student success stories are many. Thank you donors – the dividends from your investments are great and ongoing.
In following posts we will feature some completed projects in Uganda, some in progress and others which are desperately waiting for funds.