Foundations Pre-school, Kanyanga, Zimbabwe Update!
The following photos tell the story of the Foundations Pre-school in the Kanyanga district of Zimbabwe. The Foundation for Farming organization has worked with local farmers in this very poor area helping to improve the quality of crops grown there. The leaders of the organization realized the desperate need for a pre-school to be provided to enable the many small children there to have the opportunity of going to school. In 2012 ACSI Western Canada schools collected funds to build the classrooms needed, and by January 2013 with the help and expertise of educators and work groups from South Africa, the pre-school opened its doors. Today over 50 children attend the classes. In December 2013 the first “graduation” was held as shown below. The project has brought the community together and given hope for the future of these children. Thank you ACSI schools in Western Canada!