A Brighter Horizon for Ebenezer Bright Primary!
Ebenezer Bright Primary School in Kirina, Masaka, is enjoying a “brighter” horizon these days as construction work on their new classroom block progresses rapidly. The children are excited amidst a hive of activity as foundations are laid, walls built and . . . soon the roofing will be prepared. Well done, construction team and all involved in the project. Many thanks to our donor from Western Canada.
In April 2013 a C4A representative took photos (see below) of the students and classrooms at Ebenezer. Over 200 students attend the school from Nursery through Grade 7. In spite of their challenging economic situation, the school grows vegetables and raises some livestock to give to the “poor” people in their area.
Another Classrooms for Africa project –
“The power of one classroom to make a difference”